The Night the Dance Floor Went Dark 

Hosted by 

Bar Guides & Maps (Various Locations & Publications)

Specific Nightspots:

236 Club Harrisburg PA

Boom, Minneapolis MN

The Cartwheel, New Hope PA

Casa Lido, Trenton NJ

Checkers, St Paul MN

Club Metro, St Paul MN

The Copa, Ft. Lauderdale FL 

CR Bar, Upper Darby PA

Down The Street, Asbury Park NJ

Entertainers Club, Atlantic City NJ

Gatsby's, Cherry Hill NJ

I-Beam, Fargo ND

Innuendo, St Paul MN

Key West, Philadelphia PA

Kurt's, Philadelphia PA

Lucy's St Paul MN

The Neptune, Harrisburg PA

New Bar / Rod / Hotel Washington, Madison WI

Over The Rainbow (Jr. & Sr.), St Paul MN

Prelude, New Hope PA

Renaissance, Wilmington DE

Renegade (Club & Resort), Rehoboth Beach DE

Rumors, Dover DE

Rumours, St Paul MN (Later Named Trikkx) 

Saratoga, Atlantic City NJ

Studio Six, Atlantic City NJ

Trikkx, St Paul MN (1997 to 2007)

Vermont Gay Bars



More History at drakkar91

Boom Minneapolis ad Lavender March 24 to April 6 2000

Boom, Minneapolis, Closed 2006

Though not a long running space, the bar opened in the mid/late 1990's in the up and coming Northeast section of Minneapolis.  They were the first to offer style, sophistication and expensive flat screen TV's.  The venue was sold / closed in 2006 and the current space does not operate as a gay bar.  Which is not to say gay people don't go there...

Have images, photo's, ads you wish to share?  I'll be happy to include them of your favorite space!  Send via email.